Meet our Summer Student Intern Sofia

Somehow we are nearly through June and the warm, sunny days are flying by at warp speed. I hope you are creating time to slow down here and there and to explore the natural world around you. Summer is a time to create experiences and see new things. For me, the longer days provide extra pockets of time to get outside and be active - going for morning walks and runs, watering the garden, swimming and shooting hoops with the kids. I’ve also been reading (and re-reading) and learning more about the links between what we put in our body, what we put on our body, and our health. The more I learn, the more I believe in our mission to create everyday joy through products that are truly safe to use. (Stay tuned as we further refine our approved ingredient list over the coming months, based on new research.)
This summer we have been so lucky to host a high school student as a Summer Intern at NOMAD Wax Co. She has a been a joy to have around the studio, asking good questions and excited to learn about the business. I am reminded how teaching someone and sharing knowledge about the craft I do every day can refresh my own appreciation for what we do. We often get into the same-old ruts for things we do day-in and day-out, but seeing it from the fresh perspective of a novice has had the effect of shifting my own perception. I don’t take for granted the incredible opportunity for creativity and fulfilling purpose in what we do at NOMAD. I deeply believe this work is what I was meant to do. It’s so meaningful to work with the next generation and find them interested in the importance of crafting simple, clean scent and building a sustainable business through delivering safe products that bring our customers moments of joy.
And now, meet our darling Summer Student Intern, Sofia!
- Melissa
Ciao! My name is Sofia, I’m currently working at Nomad in Omaha, Nebraska as an intern for a work experience project required by my high school in Munich, Germany. I was born in Milan and grew up on Lake Como, Italy for 10 years of my life before moving to Germany. I speak four languages due to the fact that my family is from all around the world. During my time at Nomad I have learned how to make products, learned about several marketing strategies and worked at the farmers market with my very kind boss who has taught me so much about being an entrepreneur. (:
After seeing the products being made and getting a chance to partake in the production process I was fortunate enough to make my own custom scent for an Everywhere Spray, named Salento, after the region that my father comes from in Italy.
Salento has a mixture of scents that I think represent the overall life during the summer in Salento, Italy. Part of the spray reminds me of my Nonna’s (grandmother’s) cooking and it also sparks memories at the beach with my family.
Salento has notes of blood orange, rosemary, sea salt and beach scents. Salento is perfect for traveling as it’s 2 oz travel size is airport security safe and it has a summer scent that is perfect for summer vacations.
I love traveling, some of my favorite places to travel are mostly where my family is, such as Omaha, Nebraska and in the South of Italy in Puglia (Salento). I love traveling to Salento in Italy because of the gorgeous beaches, interesting people, beautiful fashion, breathtaking food, as well as the culture itself. I also plan to one day do a trip around Europe, a few countries in Asia and South America.
If you’d like to try Sofia’s summery Italian-inspired scent, SALENTO, you can find her limited edition Travel Everywhere Spray here. It’s the perfect companion for pool/beach days and family vacations near or far. Quantities are limited, so get one before they are gone!